DL-Metionin meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan meningkatkan kinerja produksi


Methioninecan synthesize body proteins in animals and quickly convert into cystine to meet animal needs; Provide active methyl groups for the body to synthesize some methyl compounds such as choline, keratin, and nucleic acid; It can also provide active hydroxyl groups and partially supplement the effects of choline or vitamin B12; Promote cell proliferation and animal growth.

There is experimental data indicating that adding an appropriate amount of methionine to the feed of laying hens can effectively improve the production performance of laying hens. Promote poultry egg production and improve egg quality.

The levels of protein and amino acids in the diet affect the immune function of animals. Increasing the dietary methionine content significantly increased the antibody titer, immunoglobulin, and lymphocyte transformation rate in chicken serum. Meanwhile, dietary DL-Methionine, dietary methionine levels also have an impact on cellular immunity. levels also have an impact on cellular immunity.

DL-Methionine is an essential amino acid in animals, with very important physiological functions and nutritional value. Its additives are easily absorbed by animals. When the content of methionine in the diet of poultry, pigs, and ruminants is insufficient, supplementing with synthetic methionine can produce significant biological effects. In actual production, it should be added according to different animals and their different growth stages, as well as the form of methionine additives.

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